CS50 — tutorial 9 flask, ajax

5 min readDec 10, 2021


Python supports network connect and the backend site.
Flask ← one of web framework(Django, Pyramid) of python to make the process easier, like a library that will help you do function easier

Flask was applied as it has the lightest weight

HTML → static website ← if you want to create website displaying current time, you need to update it manually
Using Python into the code ← more flexible and dynamic to updates

the first paragraph is importing library

the second paragraph ← initializing flask application

third paragraph → telling the timezone and returning the date and time

How to do it in CS50 IDE?

import the Flask function from library flask
__name__ ← the name of the file

Lastly, input function when you do different thing


How to associate function and the site?

add decorator

To associate function with URL ← decorator is the thing inside Python (not only for flask)

how to run the flask application in the IDE

Pass data to the flask application through URL
- using HTTP GET

<number> ← important, if you input/show/10 in the url

Pass data from HTML to application by method POST (could be get but for privacy, will be better to do it through post)

request.form.get ← for post method
request.args.get ← for get method

Functions in flask that are useful for application development


Define a function and have a decorator associated with it
the url is long and not information providing ← you can use this to replace
This could help prevent the problem, if you change the route, you will not need to change the whole route (avoid missed change)
take this as your reference: https://hackmd.io/@shaoeChen/BkApyHhgf?type=view

render_template() ← generate the mixed html and python page


Javascript — problem
up to now → interaction is sth in HTML happen → then JS
AJAX ( formly Asynchornous JS and XML/ JSON) allow even more dynamic update of webpage →refresh section of the page (not the entire page) ← like only the score of soccer game

We could make server request even no button is pressed (only the data from server changed will have effect on JS) ← query keep on happening

XMLHttpRequest ← special JS object (asynchronously ← not the same time of refreshing the whole page)
asynchronous request → the website could run normally before the callback was received → https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/XMLHttpRequest/Synchronous_and_Asynchronous_Requests

easy to create

First thing to do is defining it to onreadystatechange ←function (usually anonyomous) will be called when asynchronous HTTP request has completed, thus typically defines what is expect to change on the site
onreadystatechange ← description of the steps that are happening when user visiting page

0 ← not initialized request
4 ← readied request

200 ← data received is ok

Above are the two things on AJAX request that we care ←
1. the data was readied (ready state was 4)
2. the request was received as ok (HTTP status is 200)
Then we can update the site

open() ← define the request and send() ← sending the request


usually was done in jQuery instead of JavaScript

take a look on line 11,

this ← self referred to the event that trigger JS function to be called in the first place
explain 1: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/this
explain 2: https://blog.techbridge.cc/2019/02/23/javascript-this/

onchange ← another form of event handler (for select option) as opposed to onclick (for button type)

line 13 update infodiv to whatever you get back from the Ajax request ← request was not made entirely at that moment

line 18 will open the html and line 19 will get back the data?

Value will not changed if no value is selected

