CS50-第三課tutorial notes

5 min readJul 14, 2021



Linear Search

Finding element from array
from left to right, searching specific elements

For i items, from 0 to i-1 times
→search for specific element for each item, then stop
→if no, move to next one
→if yes, return true

Worst case: need to look through everything even target is not inside the array
Best case: could find it immediately and not complex, could find immediately

Binary Search

Comparing with linear search , it is more efficient, but need to fulfill conditions and more complex to code

divide the array in half and look for the half that contains specific elements
→the array must first be sorted

My question: if the amount of data is in odd number, could it run binary?
→ this one is for odd numbered array
→could you write one for even number array?

Repeat until the (sub)array is 0
→Calculate the middle point of the current array
→if target is at the middle, stop
→Otherwise, if the target is less than what’s at the middle, repeat, changing the end point to be just to the left of the middle
→Otherwise, if the target is more than what’s at the middle, repeat, changing the end point to be just to the right of the middle

Start point > End point → does not make sense (array<0)

Worst case: even if all halves were run through for (log n times), there are no elements in the array that fit , or in the middle of the last half
Best case: the element I am looking for is right in the middle of the array, so I could find it is the first time

Bubble Sort

Move higher element in the right, and lower to the left

My Pseudocode:
Compare the i and i+1 elements for n-2 times
→if i+1 element larger than i element
→ →swap and compare with i+1 and i+2 elements
→if i element larger than i+1 element
→ → move and compare with i+1 and i+2 elements

Problem: no parameter to tell the program when to stop

Set swap counter(???) to non-zero value (so that is could start, look at below code)
Repeat until the swap counter is 0
→Reset swap counter to 0
→Look at each adjacent pair
→ →if two adjacent elements are not in order, swap them and add one to the swap counter

what is swap counter →like the i in my pseudocode

Worst case: the swap need to repeat n² times to finish as the smallest number is in the leftmost in array/ n elements in array is reversed
Best case: no swap needed in the first time, only run for n-2 times to check everything is sorted already

Selection sort

Find the smallest unsorted and add it to the end of the sorted list

My pseudocode:
repeat below as all numbers are sorted
→search through all elements in array
→find the smallest one among all
→swap it with the one in the beginning

Problem: not all and not beginning, it just won’t end if you write it this way

Tutor pseudocode:
Repeat until no unsorted elements remain:
→Search the unsorted part of the data to find the smallest value
→Swap the smallest found value with the first element of the unsorted part

Worst case: need to sway every time, it would then search for n² times to find and swap the number, as there are n elements to look through and you repeat finding it n times
Best case: everything was sorted, you still need to run ntime, which is n² coz you still need to go through n elements for n times — same with worse


Call itself as part of its execution → so short that make it more beautiful, without loops

Factorial function (n!) → fact(n) in computer
fact(1) = 1
fact(2) = 2*1
fact(3) = 3*2*1
fact(4) = 4*3*2*1
fact(5) = 5*4*3*2*1
fact(n) = n*fact(n-1)

recursive definition
recursive function has two cases that could apply, given any input
- base case: triggered will terminate the recursive process(without will make infinite loop)
-recursive case: recursion occur (how to make everything occur →unlike loop)

fact(1) = 1 ←base case
fact(2) = 2*1
fact(3) = 3*2*1
fact(4) = 4*3*2*1
fact(5) = 5*4*3*2*1
fact(n) = n*fact(n-1)

Skeleton of recursion

in fact(int n)
if( n==1)
return 1;
return n*fact(n-1)

if only one line inside the { }, could remove { }

Generally, recursive functions replace loops in non-recursive functions

Could be more than one base cases and recursive cases

Collatz conjecture — apply to positive integers and it is always possible to get “back to 1” if you follow steps:
- if n == 1, stop
-Otherwise, if n is even, repeat this process on n/2
-Otherwise, if n is odd, repeat this process on 3n + 1

My code: not the steps it take
really adding the steps on the calculating the number of steps

Merge sort

Sort smaller arrays and then merge them together
Require recursion

Leave if the no of array is 1
Sort left half of array (if n>1)
Sort right half of array (if n>1)
Merge two halves together

Worst: split n elements up and then combine tgt, doublin gthe sorted subarrays as we build them up (n log n)
Best: already sorted but still do everything once — theta notation (n log n)

