CS50w — Lecture 1 Git

7 min readDec 17, 2021


What is the use?
1. Keep track of changes to code
2. synchronize code between different people
3. test the code without losing the old one

4. reverse back to the old version of code

How to use it?
1. repository ← where the code stores online
2. ppl will get access to the same repository
3. when you push the code back to server, the server will synchronize them

website that stores repository online

Creating new repository

You need to download the repository into the computer so that you can add file into the repository by GIT. (SSH could be used but I don’t know how to use it)

First git command:

+ url that you want to download

take the repository from internet to your computer

clone the empty repository into computer
cloned → in the file only hello is there

use cd to move into file hello

use touch to create new file in hello
use vscode to open the file

Git will not keep track on your change and update constantly.
You need to tell Git that you would like to save this version of repository→ called as a commit (taking snapshot of current position)

Second command:

+ filename

Tell Git to add a file the next time I commit

choose only the file you would like to add the version to

Why need to separate the add and repository?
- let say there are 10 files, and you only want to update 3 of them. You can add only that 3 files and then the next commit will not update the 7 files.

***** YOU MUST ADD before commit *************

File is NOT yet saved

Third: git commit


message : notes on what changes you have made
be careful that there are no filenames included

Git will keep track on how many changes did

→ file hello.html was not saved until commit was done

In this stage, you cannot find the file on GitHub as you haven’t upload the file to GitHub. → changes are happened locally only (you need to download the repository and you need to upload it.)

Forth command:

Telling you what happen inside the repository
The line “Your branch is ahead of “origin/master” by 1 commit ← telling you local file is differ from github version by 1 commit

Shown as there are originally no files inside repository

Fifth command: git push

After pushing the repository to GitHub → It would be update!

Commit only once, only one branch was made
Below would be the file

Public → any one can download the repository and push their version onto it

After adding h1 to hello.html and saved it, if you check it through terminal

Alert you haven’t git add yet

To do the ADD and COMMIT at the same time: git commit -am “message”

What if the version in GitHub is more updated than my local one?

git pull (take from git hub to local)

Minor tips: to change the file on GitHub, the branch must be MAIN

Same as the message in git commit -m “message”

Using git pull

h2 was updated

Merge Conflicts

When two people working on the same project, and the two version we are pushing are different → what should Git do?

You will receive message from Git

remote : the changes that are not matching with my push version
conflicting commit → the hash of conflicting commit in github (the code Git will generate every time you do the commit)

What to do?
remove the redundant part, keep the part that you want/ combine the two version

Exclamation point was added in the git version
Without refreshing the file in GitHub, we added color blue on h1 and commit it

the change in same line

Then I run git pull locally

There are conflicts messages and auto-merging is failed (as they are not on the same line), so you need to do it manually → open the file

After fixing it,

You may push it back to github

Then the problems are solved

Sixth command:
git log: keep track of changes/ commit made

Seventh command: git reset

Go back to previous commit

git reset --hard <commit> <-- reset everything from hashgit reset --hard origin/mast <-- the version of repository on git hub


master branch: default branch → up-to-date stable version
feature branch: working on some other feature

HEAD: the one that your repository are working on

When you finish → go to merge them

git branch: which branch you are on and how many branch there are

Star means where are you at

git checkout -b style : add a branch called style

git checkout <branch>: switch to the branch you want to go to

git merge <branch>: usually do on the main branch → the main branch will add a new commit with merging newest main + branch

If difference are not on the same line, auto merge will be done by git

GitHub — forking


Many people forking the repository

Pull a copy of the repository and then change it til you are satisfied
Then you may send back to bootstrap through pull request, request your code being pulled and merged by bootstrap

