CS50w — Lecture 3 Django

8 min readJan 7, 2022



Python web framework allow to write Python to dynamically generate HTML and CSS → web application

HTTP — HyperText transfer Protocol

Django will run in server, clients can make request to the server → server will run

get: request method

200: response code meaning ok
content-type: format of data coming back from response


Download Django: pip3 install Django
Create Django project: django-admin startproject PROJECT_NAME
→Django will help us to make the project

Documents included if you created a project

manage.py: execute commands on the Django project
settings.py: configuration settings for Python ← with default built
urls.py: table of contents for the web application (like /search or /images in google) the urls that your web application can visit

run command by python manage.py COMMAND

127.0.01 ← IP address
8000 ← Port number
Put the http link to browser will lead you to

default page of Django

1 Django project is with a lot of Django application
Eg google project with map, mail, search, drive…
Amazon project with wish list, cart, search, video…

Start app
python manage.py startapp APPNAME

Under setting.py in lecture3 file:

Add the new app we created:

Then go to views.py under hello folder:

take in request argument

Tell Django when to return the response?
urls.py → could single one in the project// one for each app

variable ulrpatterns: list of all of the allowable URLs that the app can access to
url ← created by function path
first argument: “”← no addition argument
second argument: what view should be rendered when this url is visited
third argument (optional) name ← give a name to url pattern (easier to reference it)

from . import views ← as they are in the same folder, it means to get file view imported when the url was clicked

To let it work, you need to put it into the project one

tell lecture3 to look at urls in hello to see any extra url to excess

Go to the hello url

Change the view in hello!

Add sub url to hello!


in urls add in url wiht brian
in views
get the name from the url to do greeting
get name in url

But quite weird to add the whole html into the views

Pass information in dictionary form from Python to HTML by third argument

Syntax use in html to get the variables

Directing what user should view when url was input

isitChristmas.com: https://isitchristmas.com/
Make isitNewYear — show yes only if the date is 1/1

step 1: add to the application of lecture3 project

step 2: add the urls of lecture 3 project

step 3: update the urls in the newyear app (create file urls.py)

step 4: update the view of newyear app

import the library datetime to get the time now

step 5: create templates/newyear/index.html

don’t forget to end the if statement

Then users can only see what the website is rendering!!!

To edit the style (static file) → store it separately, easier to access
In this case, html is not static as it will change according to the information passed into)

Step 1 create css file under static file

step 2 link the file to html by Django command

Line 11: Django will link the URL to the space ← avoid the change of router confusion ← django will find the url for you

Need to re-run the server !!!!!!!!!!!

Django automatically replace the {% static ‘newyear\styles.css’ %}


Do the steps ahead

views.py like this

index.html like this

with add tasks

But html are a bit similar with each other — template inheritance can reduce the work

You can inherit the layout of the pages!

make a out

in line 9, the add was hard coded: then you need to correct two places when the name of file was changed

django will figure out the path with NAME of add← and link to this

Hence, even the path in url was changed to new/ ← as long as the name was unchanged, I am still save

if there are two urls with same names: index under newyear and index under tasks — django will mixed them together — WHat to do?

add variable app_name

from app called tasks, get index

But nothing happen even you submit the form?

post: send the information secretly not shown in the url

No permission: CSRF: cross site request forgery: security vulnerability
People may submit information to your website through other website.
How to forbidden request to be forged by another website?

CSRF token generate to submit the form with token to ensure the form is from our website

Django has CSRF validation on by default
done through Django Middleware ← intervene in the request response processing of Django

under lecture3 (project)’s settings.py

line 49: with csrf middleware

hidden token will be generated and only accept this token generated this time

You can submit the form but nothing changes

Other ways to create form with django

plug in the form here

We could even modify the task by adding priority

This is not server-end but client-side validation
But server-side validation will be more secure as the user may be using an older version of html

Django could do this too!

POST: when user submit data
create variable form
form.is_valid: is user provide data with the exact format (eg exceeds 5?)
if yes, go to save it to the task list
if no, show the original input value

in line 27, if it is not post method but get method, then only shows the form with empty value

As prioritized is not in used and not included in our ordered list, you may just delete it first, then try to submit

use the reverse: same as using {{}} in html

But now we are storing data in global variables which entire application can get access to → anyone visit the website will return the same list of tasks

As only one tasks variables for everyone, so it will not be the thing that you want!

So instead of storing in global variables, should store them into users’ session

Session: Big dictionary representing all data stores about one particular user. Line 12: If tasks is not added in that session yet, provide an empty tasks list for the session

Why no such table?
— Django stores sessions in tables, but the tables were not created yet
uses command python manage.py migrate to create the table first

empty list loop

Show no tasks if there are no items in the list iterating ← special usage in django

only editing this one will be enough

